TREK leads a multinational consortium towards an EU DG Employment initiative targeting towards Building a First-class Workforce in the Public Sector: Mature-age female Employees as Mentors, Coaches and Team-Leaders" (Acronym: EMPOWER).
more2005 onwards
An indicative list of projects done!TREK Consulting carries out eGovernment actions for the Prefectural Authority of Thessaloniki in the framework of the project " e - GOVREGIO " - INTERREG IIIC.
eGOVREGIO is based on the belief that eGovernment, as a certain facet of Information Society, can improve the organizational efficiency of Public Administration, lead to decentralization and democratization of the decision making and policy formulation process and, ultimately, boost the economic and regional development.
moreSuccess continued for "a best practice E.U. awarded project"
Following success of a Transnational E.U. project, promoting access of SMEs to the Information knowledge (acr: EMBRACE), TREK awarded expansion of the best practice project (acr: EMBRACE II). Donor is the European Commission.
moreTechnical Assistance for the CIP INTERREG IIIA Greece - Italy
As of May 2006 TREK undertakes Technical assistance services towards the Managing Authority of CIP INTERREG (Greece) in monitoring the implementation of CIP INTERREG IIIA Greece - Italy, cross border Program.
moreManaging Economic Change for the European Social Fund(ESF)
TREK is project shareholder and co-ordinator of a European Commission, ESF Article-6 initiative, budgeted for 1.3M euro.
moreTREK reorganize the Athens Water & Sewerage Public Company (EYDAP)
The Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA), appoints TREK to re-organize its processes, especially those regarding customer service and hot-line support.